Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Say


1.     To reiterate from yesterday, "if there is one thing you learn this year, it is the importance of not only expressing your ideas (“I say”) but of presenting those ideas as a response to some other person or group (“they say”).  It is important to listen closely to others around us, summarizing their views in a way that they will recognize, and responding with our own ideas. To argue well, you need to do more than assert or state your own position. You need to enter a conversation, using what others say as a launching pad for your own views" (Graff). 
2.     Ways of responding on the sentence level. These are "templates." They help you articulate your position as part of a larger conversation. As we look at these templates, what might be some ways we could use these considering Jones and Bushman? 
a.     _________________argues, and I agree because __________________________
b.     _________________’s argument that ____________________ is supported by research showing that ________________________________________.
c.      __________________claims that ___________________, and I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I agree that ________________________. On the other hand, I still insist that _________________________________________.
3.     Ways of responding on the paragraph level. For this part, I don't want to give you an example, because I don't want to influence you, but let's talk through what might be some ideas to include in this template. :
In recent discussions of ____________________, a controversial issue has been whether _____________________________. On the one hand, some argue that _______________________________. From this perspective, ________________________________. On the other hand, however, others argue  that ____________________________________. In the words of ___________________________, one of this view’s main supporters, “_________________________________________________________.” According to this view, ________________________________. In sum, then, the issue is whether ______________________________or ___________________________.
 My own view is that ________________________. Though I concede that ______________________________________, I still maintain that _________________________________. For example, _________________________________________________________. Although some might object that _____________________. I would reply that ________________________. The issue is important because __________________________________________________________________.

Writing Time: 15 minutes, NO WALK, NO TALK

Using the template, now write what you say.

Share: Author's Chair or Peer Reading

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