Expository: My One Precious Life


Hello 8th graders of Mrs. Donovan’s class. I am honored that Mrs. Donovan invited me to talk to you. I would like to say that I wish you the best in eighth grade because it is tough. I was in this very room when I was your age. Most of the time I would sit back and think about when I graduated from junior high and then high school.
When I was in eighth grade, all that was important to me was: my friends, family, grades, and free time. I spend all my free time with my friends, or I would listen to music. A lot of people would describe me as quiet, helpful, and caring.
 For my future I wanted something simple but that would give me all the necessary for life. That is why I decided to pursue computer science. I have always liked working with computers and technology itself.
I am sure all of you are excited for college since it is something new for you to experience. The truth is all of the people your age are excited. When I was in high school, I participated in many clubs such as computer club volleyball, soccer, and basketball.
I was also an honor student which made it easy to apply for college and get accepted. In order to prepare for college, I took extra classes, got a job, and tried hard on my tests.
 When I graduated my GPA was 3.5. I also took classes in Harper; this would give me a second career or a plan B. After I graduated, all my hard work had payed off. I met the requirements to apply in a large amount of colleges. I choose 3 to apply to. They were De Paul, Harper, and Heartland.
 Out of the three I got accepted to Harper, which was the one I was hoping get in since it is close to home. I also liked Harper since I was familiar with it. I studied to be a computer technician. While I was in college, I also had a job. It helped pay off some of the money I owed and also pay my rent for my apartment. It has always been one of my favorite

Things to do. I got a bachelors degree. Because of this I had to quit my last job and find a new one that needed this skill to be in it. I moved into a new apartment that was in Chicago I payed $476 a month. It was worth it since it was near the city and near my job. I lived with my sister who is attending school near there.
I also help elder people voluntarily in a retirement home, and I help in a dog shelter. I choose to help in a retirement home since I feel the need to help elder people as a way to repay them for their past things they did to make this a better country. I also help in a dog shelter occasionally to help keep their cages clean and make sure they are healthy.
            It is currently year 2025. 11 years have past since I last stepped in this room. As all humans, I have regrets. This is something we just can’t avoid. But there is one thing I will never regret, and that is getting an educational.
This is very beneficial in life if you want to get some place far. I am currently working in a computer repairing place. It pays $12 an hour plus the price people pay to get their computer fixed. It is a well paying job. I live in the same apartment in Chicago.
            In all my lifes experiment and experiences, I have learned a valuable lesson, which is never to hold of you dream because of someone else… but always have the courage to follow your dream. One motto I like is “Why put off for tomorrow what you can get done today? Live each day to its fullest!”. This has taught me that when I have an opportunity to

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